Online Permit Process
Submittal online:
Post Covid many Planning and Building Departments have available Online Plan Submittal process. Some are eliminating the ability to submit a set of printed plans in person. Here is the typical process for Online Plan Submittal with a city of county Planning and Building Department.
Complete plans:
To acquire a building permit a complete set of plans must be provided. Most Building Departments have handouts/downloads with what they require. There are some differences between cities and counties but most are similar. Requirements will also be impacted by the location of your property as some areas have special zoning requirements. GO HERE to learn what is in a typical diet of plans.
Septic Systems: If the project requires a septic system rather than use of public sewer then the services of a firm that tests the percolation of soils and design the system is required to be submitted to the appropriate Health Department for review. This is submitted once a plan check number from the Planning Dept. is received. (Est. review time 4-6 weeks, Fee will be required).
Grading Plans: If grading of the property is required then grading plans prepared by a Civil Engineer are required to be submitted to the Engineering Department of the city or county. This can be done prior to the plan submittal or concurrently. (Est. review time 4-6 weeks Fee will be required. Confirm sure that fee is included in contractor’s quote).
Solar Plans: These are typically provided by the Solar contractor and are a separate permit. These will not impact the Building Permit Process unless required as part of the plans. Presently we have only had one city require them with the plans in all the Inland Empire. (Est. review time 4 weeks Fee will be required. Confirm sure that fee is included in contractor’s quote).
Fire Sprinklers: Fire Sprinklers are required for new construction and are prepared and submitted by the Fire Sprinkler Contractor hired by your General Contracrtor. Typically these do not hinder the Building Permit process. (Est. review time 4 weeks Fee will be required. Confirm sure that fee is included in contractor’s quote).
Building Permit Submittal Process:
Planning: Plans submitted to the Planning Dept. for review to confirm the project meets all land use restrictions and requirements, setbacks, easements, property information are all part of this process. Once completed Planning provides a Plan Check number and will request the first fee to begin Plan Check review by the Building and Safety and Fire Dept. (Est. review time : 2-4 weeks)
Building and Safety: Once Planning Dept. completes their review they forward plans to the Building and Safety Dept. for review to confirm that the proposed plans meet all code requirements related to a variety of areas that include the structural and energy requirements pre the latest California Building Code or local ordinances. (Est. time :4-8 months). If there are corrections they are communicated through that online system. Once revised they are resubmitted. (Every attempt will be made to complete revisions and returned quickly).
Forms, Clearances & Fees :
Forms: Every city and county have their forms to fill out. These are provided on the department's website to download. When we submit on behalf of our clients we fill out the appropriate forms and coordinate signatures needed by client.
Clearances: All other departments will be required to clear your project before a Permit can be issued. Clearances from Health Dept., Fire Dept. and Engineering are typical. But also there may other fees required that could relate to to your particular property or to city or county services.
Fees: In most cases Plan check and permit fees are based upon the square footage of the project x the average construction costs per square foot as set forth by the International Code Council (ICC). Beside the Plan Check and Permit Fee Every city and county will require additional of fees be paid but also other government entities will have fees.
Other Fees:
School Fees: If you are adding on to an existing house or a free-standing dwelling of 500 SF or more, school fees will be required. The amount varies. The Planning Dept. will provide a form to take to your local School District office where they will invoice you. The receipt is returned to Planning to confirm paid.
Engineering Dept.: This is related to a Grading Plan submittal.
These can include Fees to the various departments. Road Dept., Waste Resources, other Property Mitigation Fees, utility fees.
A "Will-Serve letter will be required from the local water & sewer company before permit can be issued. There is a small fee required and upon request takes 2-4 weeks.
Permit Fee: Once your house plans are approved and all clearances and other fees paid, you will be invoiced to pay the Permit Fee. Once paid the Planning Dept. will process your plans and make available a stamped set. (Est. time 2-5 days)
However, if your project required a grading plan, it will need to be approved, the grading completed, inspected by the city/county and certified by the civil engineer, before your permit will be released. So while grading is being completed Plans are held by the Department awaiting release.
Approved Plans:
When your plans are approved an Adobe PDF file of the Approved plans are made available. These are downloadable and can be shared. A PDF reader is required to view the files. The PDF files can be taken to a printer or we send to our printer at client's cost.