Frank Lloyd Wright - Community Christian Church in Kansas City / by Bob Ybarra

Frank Lloyd Write is the most celebrated American architect.  He is most known for his Usonian homes and Prairie homes and many famous commercial and industrial works as the Samuel R Guggenheim Museum or the Johnson Wax Building.  But I like finding those works of Wright that are less known and are seldom mentioned.  The Community Christian Church in Kansas City is one of those.  

My daughter travels a lot with her job and is becoming an accomplished photographer.  She also has her dad's love of architecture.  (Visit her website  When she travels to a city I will do a little research to find what Frank Lloyd Wright works may be there.  This week she was in Kansas City and took time to visit the Community Christian Church.

What I most like about the architecture  is Wright's use of white.  Both exterior and interior are white.  The pulpit area with its trapezoid windows (trapezoid shapes being a distinctive characteristic of Wright's) flood the pulpit with light that creates a magnificent focus.  


Bob Ybarra